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10 Besties for Corporate Etiquette in Today's Digital World.


Mar 14, 2015 193Views 24Likes

In this world of endless digital gadgets and social media frenzy, the four most important words that should never come out of your mouth are: " I don't do digital." Of course you do! And to say that you don't is either self-effacing or makes you look like you are 100 years old. If you seriously have not kept up with the times, you need to take a crash course in simple digital world etiquette. Digital is going to continue to evolve and balloon into areas we still have not yet imagined. It's not okay to just ignore it, but it's not okay to use it as replacement for important team interaction. So, here are ten best practices when it comes to corporate etiquette in today's digital society.

  1. Put your phone away during important high profile meetings. Unless you're taking a selfie with everyone in the meeting, there is no need for you to be handling your phone during a meeting. You are not oh so important.

  2. Update your Linked In photo with a current profile pic. Yep, that means you people who have a 20 something shot of yourself and you are now in your fifties. Be bold, be brave....use a current photo.

  3. Don't have a personal Facebook and that other one you let your boss "friend". It's so obvious you are trying to make sure your boss sees what you want them to see and they aren't invited to your party. If you can't share your personal Facebook with your boss, maybe you should rethink what your posting and save those party pics for SnapChat.

  4. Be purposeful with the accounts you follow on Twitter. Who you follow says something about your personal brand. And when you Retweet, it makes a statement about you. So think before your Tweet. Oh, and NO DRUNK TWEETING, you'll have regrets in the morning.

  5. Accept the fact that social media is here to stay. You need to understand it as a marketer, as a parent, as a business owner. Know the difference between Snap Chat and Instagram. Know how to spell Tumblr and dispel rumors on Reddit. The more in the know you are, the better.

  6. Be thoughtful about your Pinterest account. Don't just pin recipes and random DIY projects. Use it as a library of sorts that says something about your personal brand. Showcase your personality not just random thoughts and memory boosters. Don't have a Pinterest? That says something about you too.

  7. Rethink your Instagram. This is where the youngers live. And party pics of your outrageous behavior at last nights party bash is not really something your business cohorts need or want to see.

  8. If you are already strong in digital speak, don't show off to your less knowledgeable counterparts. Help them get there. Nothing is more rude than sitting in a meeting and spouting off acronyms that no one else knows. IDK and IKR just makes you sound like you're trying too hard. Oh, and never end a meeting with a High Five and the words "awesome sauce". This isn't 5th grade anymore.

  9. If you still have a flip phone, hide it (although Retro is the new thing). It's time to upgrade to a smartphone. It doesn't have to be the latest and greatest from Apple, but it does need to help you keep up with the times.

  10. Learn to program and use the digital equipment at work. Nothing says "old" better than not knowing how to use the equipment. (Believe me, those who know me, know I speak from experience on this one.)

  11. Understand digital vernacular, but don't try to fake it. Google some important digital terms so that you can understand the language in a meeting, but don't try to engage in digital conversations....you will expose your ignorance faster. Always remember, if you can't dance, don't dance in public.

All in all, it's important to stay up with times and keep up with your younger business millineals. But it's equally important to be comfortable in your own skin. I just wanted to get you past the initial fear and the somewhat dismissive attitude I have seen from some of my older counterparts. It's a digital world that we live in and being more open to the cool things it has to offer, you may be surprised at how much you dig it!

Image and thought starter from: How Does Innovation in the Digital Age Survive? By Greg Semon Jr. (www.heraldboy.com)

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